Midnight thoughts ~ Part Three
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
(If you haven't read Part One & Part two, be sure to read them first to understand this one more)
Recently, I have turned all my fairy lights off as there was no point keeping them on. There were lots of lights not working and it wasn't giving the lights the full affect they're meant to have; bright and beautiful. Instead they were looking dull and lifeless.So I turned them all off. It all started with that one light; the one that shined the brightest and then later on, it stopped working. Without that one light, the others weren't as good as they were before. They needed that light to complete them, and once it had gone, all the others started going out, one by one, until there was only a few left. Now read this again; but instead, think of the lights as people. Understand now?
Hope you enjoyed this little post, stay beautiful everyone. Xx