Motivation and Goal Setting

Big apologies for not posting much. I really have no excuse, but I would rather be putting up good blogs that I'm proud of on...

Big apologies for not posting much. I really have no excuse, but I would rather be putting up good blogs that I'm proud of once a week rather than bad blog posts daily.

Today I decided to do something a little bit different and decided to talk about motivation and goal setting. 

Goal setting is an important thing to do. You may not notice it, but you set goals daily. It might be that you want to finish your homework when you get home, or that you will have a shower before school. 

Types of goals
Goals can be divided in to 3 categories; short term, medium term and long term.

Short term goals are goals that you want to achieve today, tomorrow or in the next week.

Medium term goals are goals that you want to achieve in the next few weeks or few months, possibly up to a year.

Long term goals are goals for the future. For example, one long term goal might be that you want to buy your own house when you are older.

When making your goals, think about the SMARTIES system.

Specific Make sure that your goals are specific. There's no point having a goal like "I want to become smarter" because it's not specific. Instead, write it so that it says what you want to get smarter in. Eg. I want to get smarter at geometry.

Measurable You need to be able to know when you have achieved your goal so that you can measure your success. 

Action-Oriented Make steps towards your goals. For example, if your goal was to get better marks in school, make steps towards getting that goal.

Relevant and realistic Your goals need to be relevant to what you want. There's no point having a goal that you're not interested in. They also need to be realistic. If your goals are realistic, you won't be able to achieve them.

Time-based Your goals should have a time frame that you want to complete them in.

Interesting Don't make your goals about something that you aren't interested in.

Emotional Use powerful language in your goals and express emotion.

Success oriented Make your goals positivity and success related.

A few tips for achieving your goals
  • Don't forget about them! Make sure you occasionally review your goals and keep them in your mind.
  • Don't make too many goals for yourself. Making too many goals for yourself can stress you out and can stop you from achieving your goals.
  • Reward yourself on the way.

I hope you enjoyed this post about goal setting. It was a little bit different from my usual posts. 

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